- git checkout oldbranch # Checkout an existing branch
- git checkout -b newbranchname # Create a new branch
- git checkout -b newbranch remote/newbranch # to avoid confusions
- git status # See your changes
- git branch --all | grep pattern # All branches in all repos you have added
- git branch # to list local branches
- git push --dry-run # See what you are going to push
- git push # Actually push
- git config branch.branchname.remote # to see the value
- git config branch.branchname.remote privatebranch # to set the value
- git config branch.branchname.merge
- git config branch.branchname.merge branchname # the remote merge branch
# Show all commit logs for all commits on branch1 that are not on branch2
- git log branch1 ^branch2 --no-merges
- git push origin :branchname # Delete a remote branch
- git remote add newrem git+ssh://path.to.git/remote
- git fetch
- git fetch remote