p4 edit filename
p4 add filename
p4 opened (Show files which are edited or added)
p4 revert filename
p4 submit
p4 filelog filename (Show a files revisions)
p4 diff filename (Show the changes that you have made to the file after a p4 edit)
p4 diff2 filename#5 filename#6 (Show the differences between two revisions of a file)
p4 print filename#4 (Print revision #4 of filename)
See the P4 manual for details.
p4 add filename
p4 opened (Show files which are edited or added)
p4 revert filename
p4 submit
p4 filelog filename (Show a files revisions)
p4 diff filename (Show the changes that you have made to the file after a p4 edit)
p4 diff2 filename#5 filename#6 (Show the differences between two revisions of a file)
p4 print filename#4 (Print revision #4 of filename)
See the P4 manual for details.